Starting Point is the county’s Aging and Disability Resource Center. Starting Point is a consumer-centered Coordinated Point of Entry into the long-term care support systems that, in cooperation with area agencies serving seniors, provides service to persons 60 years of age and over as well as adults with disabilities (age 18 years and older) and their families.
Caregiver Advisory Services (CAS) are provided to informal caregivers of adults who are age 60 or older or developmentally disabled and to grandparents and other kinship caregivers who are raising children under the age of 18. The purpose of the program is to inform caregivers of available services; to assist caregivers in accessing services; to provide emotional support through individual counseling and support groups; and to provide training and education to assist caregivers in making decisions and solving problems related to their caregiver roles. Other services provided include:
View the current Caregiver Newsletter.
For more information about our Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral (TCARE), please click here.
For more information about Caregiver Advisory Services, please call (217) 423-6550 or email
Our Choices for Care Program offers consultations and assessments to provide information on in-home services for persons considering nursing home placement or discharge from a nursing home. These assessments are mandated by law prior to nursing home placement and there is no financial eligibility for the consultation. For more information, please call us at (217) 423-6550.
Residents aged 60 and older may qualify for Community Care Program (CCP) services based on eligibility determined by a care coordinator through functional assessment and asset guidelines. CCP provides Comprehensive Care Coordination and services include In-Home Care, Emergency Home Response Service, Automated Medication Dispenser Service and Money Management Program as well as referrals to community resources. For program and/or eligibility information, please call us at (217) 423-6550.
Our Community Care Program provides assistance with linking people to any community services that are needed to keep them as independent as possible and enable them to remain in their homes. Residents must be 60 or older and live in Macon County to be eligible for an assessment. There are no income or asset guidelines for assessment. Care coordinators provide the following services:
For more information about Comprehensive Care Coordination, please call (217) 423-6550.
Our information specialists offer free consultations to provide information, resources, and improved access to long-term care support services to eligible clients. Anyone age 60 and older, 18 and over with a disability, and their families are eligible for this program. Information provided can include, but is not limited to:
For more information and/or to schedule a consultation with an information specialist, please call us at (217) 423-6550.
Our Money Management Program (MMP) offers services to help low-income senior citizens who have difficulty budgeting, paying routine bills, and keeping track of financial matters. The goal of this program is to promote independent living for individuals who are at risk of losing independence due to inability to manage financial affairs. Clients are matched with trained volunteers who assist with money management issues. This program is sponsored by the Illinois Department on Aging.
The MCHD also offers a Private Pay Money Management Program (MMP) for seniors whose income and/or assets exceed the guidelines of the Illinois Department on Aging program or people under the age of 60. The goal of this program is to promote independent living for anyone having difficulty handling their finances. The services provided range from budgeting and assistance with routine bill payment to a Representative Payee program in which all financial matters are taken care of by the MMP staff. These services are provided by Money Management staff who are insured and bonded through the MCHD. For more information on the Private Pay MMP, please call (217) 423-6550 or email
Our MMP is always looking for dedicated volunteers to assist the seniors in our community with their financial affairs. MMP volunteers are provided with in-depth training. If you are interested in learning more about this unique volunteer opportunity or if you have questions about the MMP, please call us at (217) 423-6550 or email
Our Respite Care Program provides services to relieve a caregiver when caring for a senior. Eligible clients must be age 60 or older, live in Macon County, and have a caregiver residing with them. There is no financial eligibility and no cost for eligible clients, but donations are accepted. Funds are limited; call to inquire about availability. Services provided under respite are as follows:
For more information about our Respite Program and/or to inquire about availability, please call us at (217) 423-6550.
We serve the community as a Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) Site by offering trained volunteer counselors who provide one-on-one counseling services on Medicare and other insurance issues to Medicare beneficiaries and their families. These issues include, but are not limited to: Medicare Savings Plans, Medicare Part D, Low Income Subsidy applications, and others. For assistance, please call us at (217) 423-6550 or email